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How to work towards Zero Waste

Zero Waste is a Journey, not a destination. There is no way anyone can be completely zero waste, and still live in a city, living a normal life.

Therefore Zero Waste is about the journey we should all be on, to comsume less waste. Let us help to spread some ideas and information with you.

This is a guide, as to where you should start every decision. Don't worry, it's a Journey, no one is perfect. Start at the top, and work your way down.


Do you actually need that in your life, is it as natural as possible, is it locally produced


Stop saying yes to single use items, such as bags, straws, cups, and fast food containers


Only buy the amount that you will consume. Particularly regarding food


Opt out of fast fashion, by wearing items more often, mending items, and shopping in 2nd hand clothing places or buy nothing groups


Does it need to be thrown away, or can it be used multiple times


Do the item perhaps have a second use in life


Local tools libraries mens/womens shed clubs, and fit-it cafes are helpful


Can you fill your items without purchasing new containers


Can your fruits or vegetables be planted in your garden, and grown again


Compost and worm farms at home, then your council FOG bin

resposible disposal

How should you dispose of your rubbish

recycle correctly

Check what items your local council recycle, and how it should be placed in your recycle bin


Send items to companies who reclaim the individual materials


Only as a last resort, send it to land fill